Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mmmm..Margarita..not the drink, the pizza :P

Went for lectures this morning..for the first time in a week or so...didnt realise how much i missed being in a claustophobically tiny lecture hall with 210 people at 9 am...(well actually the 209 of us dont count coz we're not really there anyway..*speak for yourself,Jade..tsktsk*)...so yes, 1 lecturer and 209 monkeys disguised as medical students. Really good to see everyone and talk about completely random things like 2-pound shoes...no, i cant stop bragging.. :"P

Was based in Portsmouth for IPL last week--interprofessional learning....the concept is actually quite meaningful..but anything beyond the concept is complete bollocks...they sit u in a room with a bunch of nurses, radiographers n social workers n ask u to talk about the importance of team building,..they then send u on a discovery trail to find out how many churches there are in bloody Buckland...wanted to shoot myself at the end of it...had lovely people in my group though..n here's the best bit, after 2 days of pointless discussions, they send u back to Southampton for ''individual reflection"...note to organizing comittee-- u want a reflection, get a mirror...but then its 2 days off so i'm not complaining...

My IPL group:)

Have to go back to teenage pregnancy now.....its my 12-page foundation course assignment and its amazing wat they come up with-----

1.endocrine control on the menstrual cycle..fair enough
2. what do u think causes teenage pregnancy?.....not exactly rocket science is it...
3.evaluate ways tht hv been used to reduce it.....celibacy is a start
4.the social effects of being a teenage mother......when the son gets to college she automatically becomes a milf.......
wonder what Dr.Hillier would say if I actually submit this...they did say to take an individualistic approach...hmm...but if anyone has anything to say abt this...please please feel free to share...its 3% of my final grade...

Parts of this post might sound familiar to some..yes, I have stooped to copy-pasting abstracts from a group e-mail...*hangs head in shame*....please forgive me:(..

Hot pizza is goooood after a hard nights work..mmm..

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at 2:52 AM


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