The one where she's all hormonal
Screw pain, screw hydrocephalus, screw cranial nerves..all 12 of them..and stroke can go to hell.....I fucking hate medical school and everything to do with it...except maybe Professor Noble and the cute boy who sits in front of me....and the freebies that I get from drug companies....If I had my way, I'd get a hysterectomy today....dont care if I turn into a man....NB: Mummy if u're reading this, I dont really hate med's the hormones and quarter life crisis talking...I love this place so much I want to marry the hospital and have lots of baby hospitals.....but if u're not reading this very second....I wish someone would set fire to the fucking school of medicine..
7:35 PM
es for me
Oh Sugar
My mummy told me Prasad is sweet and polite.........I told her I'm so sweet and polite to my friends' parents that they become diabetics right after they speak to me...and Boy, dont go around flattering yourself based on that ya:P
3:55 AM
es for me
Lost and Found
I lost my scarf........ :( pretty beige scarf with the pretty fringe that goes with everything.......and to think ..all those times when my friends told me they misplaced their scarves, I would smile my most patronizing smile, say ''awwwww'' in my most patronizing tone, while chuckling smugly inside...:'' never happen to me also..these people damn suay...that or very the heck do u lose something that's wrapped around your neck"...Karma be bitin' me in the arse.......phooey...phoo-effing-ey.... :(
9:38 PM
es for me
Medical school is THE coolest place in the whole wide world because it's the only place where u can put cocaine in your coursemate's eye, and not get eaten alive by german shepherds trained to eat people who smell like cocaine. Instead, we get to call our blatant disregard for the narcotics squad ----Pharmacology Practicals...very cool hor??? hor????! Ah..but that's not all...ask me what I learnt in class today...ask me ask me!!...ok nvm I tell you anyway...I found out today that cocaine causes a person's blood vessels to for long term cocaine users, the whole snorting routine means the blood vessels in their nasal septum, that's the bit of ..thing..between your nostrils, constrict as chronic constriction equals a lack of blood supply to your septum..ergo no oxygen, which then causes your tissue to die....or necrose if you want to sound clever when you relate this to someone else:P, so very slowly, your nasal septum actually erodes..and in the end, all you're left with is one extra large awesome is that???!!...very cool right??!I just cudnt stop smiling after my lecturer told me that, ......I kept imagining a crack addict who has a stuffed know how we have these Vicks stick things that u can shove up one nostril to unblock your nose while you attempt to breathe normally through the other then these people how?........either the Vicks stick will fall in because of the extra large nostril and the crack addict kicks it coz the stick gets stuck in their right bronchus, OR, the Vicks stick fits...but then there's no extra nostril so the addict dies anyway coz he's cut off his air tragic...yet so funny....or am I just slightly demented..:P...bygonesI need ladybird poison so I can kill off all the ladybirds hiding out in my room....summore don't pay rent...think wat..I'm ladybird charity home is it.....and has anyone noticed how every ladybird has a teeny feather coming out of its behind? it because they shit feathers? is it because of the 'bird' part in their name?......I wanted to give one a tug just to see..but then I didnt want to risk being the first girl bitten to death by a if you see a ladybird, try and then tell me k..much thanks..heee:D
3:44 AM
es for me