Tuesday, January 23, 2007

my name is kim samsing

it's funny isnt it..how you can know a person your whole life and not know anything about them beyond their first name......yet with some people..really...all it takes is 2 seconds to feel as though u've known them an entire lifetime.....

My consultant has struck a new low....he called me Kim today....after 4 months of calling me Lin.....the only consolation is that he only misses by a letter each time.....but honestly...Kim??...Please la Dr. R, i know u fought in the war, but not all Asians are Koreans with the surname Kim......

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at 4:07 AM
1 hugs and Bigoo.ws images for your bloges for me

Thursday, January 18, 2007

she's still hormonal

It's official..i only want what I cant have...and the only way to make sure i stay keen..is to make sure i dont get what i think i want...which means i shud probably never get married or have children because however much i may want to, i will get bored once the novelty wears off.........and i cant exactly sell a baby off on ebay..

and i'm trying to get rid of this blog...dont feel like i have anything worth saying anymore...scratch that..who am i kidding, i never run out of things to say...whether or not they're worth reading is an entirely different story....but i can't seem to bring myself to click the delete button...thoughts anyone?

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at 4:09 AM
0 hugs and Bigoo.ws images for your bloges for me
