Friday, October 27, 2006

The Elite

"Cheekbones" is a word for the public and paramedics...and any self-respecting doctor or surgeon would sooner die of chest pains than utter that common word...or so said Dr. (Mr.)Evans, the funny little MaxilloFacial Surgeon who teaches clinical anatomy in a purple suit and a polka-dot bow-tie. We are members of the elite, and it is only right that the elite use a separate language that distinguishes us from the rest of the world...Hence 'zygoma' instead of god forbid..Cheekbones...'haemoptysis' instead of *gasp*...coughing up blood...

Oh and we don't do ''sensitive''..Priests do sensitive...and we cure priests of cancer...which pretty much makes us the next thing to God..:)

Is it any wonder that 98% of us come out of Medical School with an ego the size of China.......half of us are probably this close to founding a religion to worship ourselves...haha..and who can blame us if every single lecturer who comes in brainwashes us into thinking we are the ultimate...makes me think underneath all that pomp and blatant self-adoration, if doctors are actually the most insecure people in the world....why else would they need this kind of validation? or is this belief in their 'super healing powers' the only thing that gets them through 48-hour calls, 10 hour surgeries and million-pound malpractice lawsuits......

And can anyone tell me if ladybugs bite??...coz I seem to have a family of 6 ladybugs and counting perpetually stuck to my ceiling........and I dont want to take a broom to them in case they bite or shoot poisonous ladybug dots at me....

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at 10:35 PM
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tax me

I'm getting fucking TAXED by the fucking British goverment!!!...what the hell is that all about?!...u do realize this means the next time Her Majesty's royal corgies catch a cold, I'll be the one footing the friggin vet not the way I envisioned spending the only afternoon off i have every week.....

it doesnt help that I'm apparently not eligible for the non-resident tax waive thing...the small print on the application form states that u can only apply if u're in the country for not more than 4 full tax years....I didn't Bloody decide to make the BM5 Medicine course 5 years! If I had my way, i'd have graduated last year! not only do I have to pay ridiculous international fees, I now have to be fucking taxed every year, and the best thing is, after all this, I get kicked back to Malaysia because of the frickin new Labour Party ruling!

so screw the tax office, screw work permits, and screw every website and book that told me I'm exempt from paying taxes......

I dont even have an income for tax deduction! They're taking the money from my interest in my bank account!! I'm so fucking pissed I could die from a heart attack..........but the way the system works, if I do decide to keel over now, the government would probably stand to benefit from my insurance policy while some random minister holds an auction for all my personal belongings and sends the royal family on an all expense paid trip to fucking Palm Springs.....

now I'm going to stand by my window and scream as loud as I can and derive some perverse pleasure from scaring British squirrels and British ducks into hiding..(*!#*&$@^%&

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at 10:31 PM
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Friday, October 06, 2006

Random thoughts

I have decided to blog only 4 times a year to increase the value of my blog..a bit like how Vera Wang only makes 4 wedding gowns a year that people pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for....only my blog is way cooler than a white halterneck gown with beady stuff on it.

I have decided my new phrase for the 2006/07 term will be "google it"..the universal answer to everything..picture this..Year 2 exam:
Describe the physiology of the GI tract--
google it
Explain the treatment plan for myasthenia gravis--
google it
google it
very coolly aloof hor?..wahaha

I don't get the term ''angel of darkness" dark can see the angel meh? same goes for fallen angel....the wings cacat issit? or wind too strong?

I want to walk around my neighbourhood carrying my battery operated fishy fish lantern that changes colour.

I want to speak with a Jamaican accent and say "ya mann" when a patient wants to know if he's going to kick it soon.

When I'm old and retired I want to open a small shop in the corner lot of a big red building and peel garlic and potatoes. Then I'll charge lazy housewives 10 ringgit for a kilo of peeled garlic or potatoes.

I wonder if i can use spray paint for cars to spray paint my stethoscope tubing.....I want to spray it with pearl paint so it will change colours in the light and distract silly kids who cry when they see a needle.

My mummy gave me a can of germ-killer to degerm my room. SO the next time I see someone I dont like I'm going to spray them with germ killer and hope they disappear.

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at 5:44 PM
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