Thursday, December 29, 2005

Snow in Southampton

Just finished watching Casablanca--my first proper black and white movie complete with bad hairdoes, dark lipstick and Humphrey Boghart.....he's no Harrison Ford, but I have to say,he is not bad looking at all ;) and before you ask, yes, I have better things to do than watching gray people talk in funny was an honest mistake: I thought I was downloading Cassanova....apparently not..
but now I can pretend to be a hoity-toity lover of classics and declare myself cultured :P

Spoke to a senior yesterday about Malaysian food....god I miss chee chiong fun and mamak food, which incidentally you cant get where I come from...paid RM8.50 for teh tarik at Tanahmas once...could've done a better job myself with a Boh 3-in-1..bleh..
And then he started talking about the Ramli burger, or as Prasad would later correct-RamLee burger...something I have never heard of or seen for the life of me....So this little piggy came back, googled it, and now really really wants one of them giant balls of grease......*pout*..
yes, I googled it...which means on top of being cultured, I am now a modern, Internet savvy food connoiseur.....:P

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go..powder my nose....( this is the la-dee-da way of saying "askews me, uh..toilet!" see..hehe)

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at 5:47 AM


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