Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fight or flight

I went to the bank last week having received my credit card statement...only it was a January statement which is ridiculous since I haven't used my card since last October...feel proud of me gets I skimmed through this blasted piece of paper, and find I've been charged a balance brought forward from the previous statement plus interest....that explains the January bill...what I didnt understand was why I never recieved the 'previous statement' that should've been due 3 months ago...following?no?tough...I've had a long week and I NEED to let off steam...where was I...ah I speak to this patronizing cow of an information officer and I do mean cow in every bloody sense of the word....and she tells me to wait for the credit card company to send me a copy of the statement.....those who know me know for a fact that Jade Lim does not like waiting..especially when she can do little else except curse during that waiting period, which in this case was about a week.

Anyhoo, I got my copy of the statement yesterday together with surprise, surprise, the original statement that was 3 months too late...note: I woke up at 7 having had a full day of lectures plus work the day before, dressed up and read up everything I could about respiratory examinations, only to go to the hospital and find out half the lectures as well as ward rounds had been cancelled.....One can do a lot of seething in the 45-minute bus ride from the hospital to the main campus....

So I march into the bank with a file of previous statements and receipts, a big empty space where the Oct/Nov bill should've been..yes, I file my stuff now...and my new fresh copies from the mail.....I explain as nicely as humanly possible for a PMS-ing chick who just spent the better half of the past hour shooting everyone in her mind my predicament...only to have the lady shrug and say:" It happens I guess..we have no control over the postal system..I've had a credit card for 3 years and it's never happened to me before"...fucking hell!
I've fucking had a credit card for 3 frickin yrs and it's never happened to me before!!!....U work in a frickin bank in a country where even the neighbour's dog has a fucking credit card!...dont go parading the fact that u have a credit card when u're supposed to be helping ME with stupid late statements that I got charged interest for!!! Whatever the fuck happened to 'customer's always right'?!

I take a deep breath,forget the nice demure international student act and repeat my story. This time, she offers a refund of the interest.
Do i take it? Hell yea...but not without launching into a tirade about it being the principle of the matter rather than the money itself,demanding some reassurance that a complaint will be made and soliciting a promise that it would not happen again first.

in case anyone was wondering...the interest charged and refunded was 29 pence.
Should I have let it go?considering I cant do much with 29 pence...perhaps...but like I said, its the principle of the matter.....besides, it's been a stressful week and I was just aching for a fight :P

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at 12:21 AM


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