Saturday, April 15, 2006

Fondue for Dummies

I have found a new reason to live, seen the light, embraced the um...something.. [Spirituality isn't exactly my strong suit in case you havent noticed]... and all because of a little religion I'd like to call ---Asda-ism. And this, is why:

88p for these lush have my permission to drool..

it's a real berry if anyone's wondering, I just have great photography skills =P

1GBP for a few seconds of heaven....mmm

Put all that together and what you get is THE most effective anti-depressant known to man....the only side-effect being girth in the case of an O.D.........but even that can easily be solved by a simple exercise routine, which in turn releases endorphins that make people happy and everything seem just sodding peachy *beams*

*n.b--this was posted under the ever so slight influence of alcohol...the author shall not be held responsible for anything deemed politically incorrect or um...other legal stuff...

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at 12:38 AM


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